Monitoring Public Transportation with the Kafka Ecosystem (Demo Project)

Monitoring Public Transportation with the Kafka Ecosystem – a demo project part of the Udacity “Data Streaming” Nanodegree. It contains data streaming workflows using Kafka Producers and Consumers, JSON and Avro serialization, Kafka Connect (JDBC), REST Proxy, Robinhood Faust, and KSQL.

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Should You Migrate Your Reporting Queries From a “General Purpose” DB (MongoDB) to a Data Warehouse (ClickHouse)? (Performance Overview)

Migrating Your Reporting Queries From a “General Purpose” DB to a Data Warehouse – Performance Overview. The article focuses on MongoDB and ClickHouse, but most takeaways apply to other “traditional” DBs and “data warehouse” solutions.

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Causal Consistency Guarantees in MongoDB – Lamport Clock, Cluster Time, Operation Time, and Causally Consistent Sessions

Exploring Causal Consistency in MongoDB – the article goes through the concepts of Lamport (Logical) Clocks, Operation Time, Cluster Time, and Causally Consistent Sessions that lead to solving the “Read Your Write” consistency violation.

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