Sentiment Analysis of Stocktwits Messages using LSTM in PyTorch

In this article, I’ll present a demo project for classifying the sentiment of posts from the Stocktwits social media. The community on Stocktwits is full of investors, traders, and entrepreneurs. Each message posted is called a Twit. This is similar to Twitter’s version of a post, called a Tweet. Using Pytorch, we’ll build a model around these twits that generate a sentiment score.

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Course Review – “Deep Learning Specialization” by Andrew Ng, DeepLearning.AI on Coursera

If you have some beginner knowledge in Machine Learning and want to dive into Deep Learning with its’ modern applications in Computer Vision and NLP – taking the “Deep Learning Specialization” by Andrew Ng on Coursera is a great way to achieve that. Here is a full review of the Specialization.

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Course Review – “Machine Learning” by Andrew Ng, Stanford on Coursera

The Machine Learning course by Andrew NG at Coursera is one of the best sources for stepping into Machine Learning. It has built quite a reputation for itself due to the authors’ teaching skills and the quality of the content. Admittedly, it also has a few drawbacks. Here’s a complete course review:

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